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Summary Catalog

Large Gear Reducers

Vista de un reductor empleado en cementeras

Reduction Gearbox for Cement Industry

Reduction Gearbox – Large gearboxes for in the cement industry Power transmission solutions for machinery used in the cement industry....

Vista de un reductor empleado en minería

Open-Cast Mining Gearbox

Open-Cast Mining Gearbox Highly robust gears whose drives may require powers of up to 2500 KW. The extreme working and...

Vista de un reductor empleado en industria de alimentación

Reduction Gearbox of Food Industry

Large gears for the food industry Power transmission solutions for machinery used in the food industry. Planetary gears and other...

Vista de un reductor empleado en fabricación de material sintético

Reduction Gearbox Synthetic Material Industry

Reduction Gearbox Synthetic Material Industry – Plastic, Gum and Rubber Sector High-performance gear for calenders, rubber mixers, extruders, kneaders, etc....

Vista de un reductor empleado en siderurgia

Reduction Gearbox Iron and Steel Industry

Reduction Gearbox Iron and Steel Industry – Great gear for the steel sector Supply and repair of sprockets and helical...


Naval reduction gearbox

Naval Reduction Gear – Large gears for the naval sector Power transmission solutions for dredge pumps, jet pumps, derricks and...



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