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Central office +34 932 681 833 ContactDo you have any questions about our products or would you like to contact our Technical Office to repair or custom-manufacture a product? Contact Us!
Central office +34 932 681 833 ContactThe actuation of the FU-Twiflex Safety Pneumatic Disc Brakes is permanent, generally by means of a spring.
“Safety” because they stop braking when pneumatic energy is supplied.
Braking forces available between 0.6 kN and 0.36 kN.
Safety FU-Twiflex Pneumatic Disc Brake -Clamp-: MK2, DB4010, MU, DS1000, MUS2, DS1003, MUS3, DS1004, MUS4, DS1005, MSK, DS1507, MRK, DS2007, MXS, DS2509, MXK, DS2507, GMX , DS2600, GMXA, DS2601, GMXB, DS2602, GMXS, DS2609, GMRS, DB4603, GMR-SD, DB4604, GMR40-SD, DB4604, MR2, DS2010, MR2A, DS2021, MR2B, DS2022, LMX13A, DS2520, LMX13A, DS25 21 , LMX13B, DS2522, LMX13D, DS2523, LMX13E, DS2524, LMX13G, DS2525, LMX13K, DS2527, LMX13L, DS2528, LMX13XS, DS2529, SMX-A, DS2551, SMX-B5, DS2552, SMX-D, DS2553, SMX- E , DS2554, SMX-G, DS2555, MR2D, DS2023, MR2E, DS2024, MR2G, DS2025, MR2K, DS2027, MR2L, DS2028, MRK, DS2007, MRL, DS2008, INTENSIFIER, ASSEMBLY, ISO, 9001, 2008, 2015